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According to the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, “authors, writers and editors held about 281,300 jobs in 2008. Writers and authors held about 151,700 jobs and editors held about 129,600 jobs. About 70 percent of writers and authors were self-employed, while 12 percent of editors were self-employed. Among the 30 percent of salaried writers and authors, about half work in the professional, scientific, and technical services and in publishing (except Internet) industries. These industries include advertising, public relations and related services and newspaper, periodical, book, and directory publishers, respectively. Other salaried writers and authors work in broadcasting, professional and social organizations, and the motion picture and video industries. Jobs are somewhat concentrated in major media and entertainment markets—Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, and Washington, DC—but improved communications and Internet capabilities allow writers to work from almost anywhere.”

Blogging is another growing opportunity for writers. As of February, 2011, there were over 150 million blogs in existence. Online publications are growing by leaps and bounds, which is spurring the demand for more writers and editors with Web or multimedia experience.

Myne Whitman Writes Author of romantic fiction set in Nigeria. Myne shares excerpts from books in progress as well as thoughts on life, love and books.
The Working Writer's Life A blog about challenges, experiences and battle scars garnered on the way to becoming a successful writer.

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